Additional JAWS Training

These training resources offer in-depth demonstrations of a variety of popular JAWS® features. From using Research It to browse the news or look up a definition, proofreading a document using Text Analyzer, or customizing how JAWS behaves through Settings Center, there’s something here for every user.

These Training files are available in DAISY (Digital Accessible Information System) format and contain both text and audio. You can read them using the FSReader DAISY reader included with JAWS or using any other hardware or software DAISY player. For your convenience, some files are also available in MP3 audio if you would prefer to listen to them on an MP3 player or another device.

DAISY Training Files for JAWS

The files in this section install to the proper location for FSReader DAISY reader when using JAWS.

MP3 Training Files for JAWS

These MP3 files are packaged within ZIP files for downloading. After downloading them, you may extract them to any location on your computer.

Miscellaneous Training Files for JAWS