School Licenses – Freedom Scientific
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School Licenses

Software for School

Whether you are providing accommodations for a single K-12 student or deploying campus wide access at a college for many visually impaired students and faculty, Freedom Scientific has a solution that will address your on-going needs.

For individual computers requiring JAWS or ZoomText, schools can select single year Student Annual Licenses which allow installation and licensing of a single PC. These can be renewed annually and managed via the Software Licensing Portal. Annual licenses include all upgrades and updates during the term of the license.

For Higher Education, perpetual licenses are available for JAWS, ZoomText, Fusion, and OpenBook. These can be purchased as standalone licenses or with a Network License server that can manage all the Freedom Scientific software. Always include the Software Maintenance Agreement (SMA) to maintain your Perpetual software with access to future updates and upgrades. As the applications used by consumers continue to change, it is critical to maintain your Access Technology License as well.

A significant benefit of our multi-user perpetual licenses for colleges and universities that maintain the current version is the addition of home access to either JAWS or ZoomText Home Annual licenses. All students and staff with an active email address from these qualifying schools will be provided a JAWS or ZoomText annual license for free. Be sure to ask your customer service representative for details. Click the button below and enter your school email address to check if your school qualifies.

This program provides students access to the same powerful software, free technical support, and all training material, thus ensuring success with schoolwork and personal computing needs both on and off-campus.

Purchasing Options
  • Student Annual licenses are currently only available to users in the US. Activation is limited to one student on 2 computers (i.e., home and school)
  • Perpetual Single User licenses can be activated on up to 3 different computers for a single student’s use
  • Perpetual Multi-User Network options are available for a greater deployment throughout your school campuses
Three students using software for students on computers

Freedom Scientific’s Student of the Month Program is excited to feature K-12 students in the U.S. who are blind or low vision and have shown a conscientious commitment to their educational objectives.

K-12 Student of the Month Program

College Students and faculty may qualify for Free Home Access

Check Your School Email Address

Already have a License?

Check your Serial number to learn about upgrades and SMA renewals.
Check Serial Number

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