
The JAWS® and ZoomText® Certification programs are online knowledge-based exams for JAWS Screen Reader and ZoomText Magnifier/Reader. Each product has its own test and certification. The certification programs are designed for consultants, trainers, agency staff, and users to demonstrate proficiency in using JAWS and ZoomText software applications.

Read the exam details and FAQs to prepare for the exams. These pages provide exam preparation resources, exam categories to focus on, cost, and frequently asked questions.

Currently there is not a separate certification exam or program for Fusion™, but successful completion of both the JAWS and ZoomText certifications is a strong indicator of proficiency with Fusion.

List of certified individuals:

One Exam for Both Initial Certification and Renewal

There is a single exam for both the Initial Certification as well as Certification Renewals. Taking the exam is free. After successfully passing the exam, you will automatically receive a free electronic certificate of completion which can be displayed in your web browser and printed as needed. You will also have an opportunity to confirm if you would like your name included on the website of certified individuals. Inclusion on this website helps to enhance exposure of certified individuals as knowledgeable in the features and use of the JAWS screen reader and/or ZoomText Magnifier/Reader.

If you are interested in purchasing a high-quality print copy of your Certificate for proudly displaying in your home or office (JAWS certificates also include braille), two options exist:

  • Initial Certification – $49.00. For first-time certifications, a user needs to purchase the “Initial Certification.”
  • Certification Renewal – $29.00. For successive certifications, a user can purchase the “Certification Renewal” at this lower cost.

Exam Links