Training Podcast – Freedom Scientific
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Training Podcast

Want the convenience of listening to the step-by-step instructional demos we provide on a device other than your computer? Freedom Scientific’s audio training content is now available for download on your smartphone or tablet, and for streaming on your Amazon Echo or Google Home Assistant!

The Freedom Scientific Training Podcast places free audio training content right at your fingertips. Episodes will be added weekly containing lessons on a variety of topics ranging from basic Windows 10 to advanced tasks in Microsoft Office products, internet browsing, and more.

How to Subscribe and Listen

Follow the subscription instructions for your device to begin listening to our training content today.


To subscribe to and play an episode of the Freedom Scientific Training Podcast on your iOS device, do the following:

  1. Open the Podcast app on your iPhone.
  2. Double tap the Search tab on the app’s home screen.
  3. Type “Freedom Scientific Training” in the search box, and double tap Search.
  4. Double tap the Freedom Scientific Training Podcast button.
  5. Double tap the Subscribe button.
  6. Double tap an episode and listen.


To subscribe to and play an episode of the Freedom Scientific Training Podcast on your Android device, do the following:

  1. Open the Google Podcasts app on your Android device.
  2. Tap Explore, which is located at the bottom of the app’s home screen.
  3. Select the Search button at the top left of the screen.
  4. Type “Freedom Scientific Training” in the search box, and select Search.
  5. Tap Freedom Scientific Training Podcast.
  6. Tap the Subscribe button.
  7. Tap an episode and listen.

Listen on an Alexa or Google Home Device

  • Say the wake word for your device, followed by, “Play the Freedom Scientific Training Podcast.” The latest episode will play.
  • It is not currently possible to request a specific episode, but you can ask the device to play the previous or next episode.

Subscribe to the RSS Feed in Outlook

To subscribe to the RSS Feed for the Freedom Scientific Training Podcast in Outlook, do the following:

  1. Press SHIFT+F6 to navigate to the folders list in Outlook.
  2. Press R to locate the RSS Feeds folder.
  3. Press SHIFT+F10 or the APPLICATIONS key to right-click on this folder.
  4. Press R to access the Add a New RSS Feed dialog.
  5. Type or paste the RSS Feed URL (below) into the edit box and press ENTER.

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