7.1 Variables

You can think of a variable in terms of a bucket you may have at home. You can put a number of different things into the bucket. For example, you may use the bucket to carry water, sand, or gravel. As you pour out the contents of the bucket, you are changing the amount of sand, water, or gravel in the bucket. You can also put varying amounts of each of those items in the bucket. Sometimes you may only need to fill the bucket half full of water. Another time, you may need to completely fill the bucket with water.

Like a bucket, a variable is an entity that holds a value. You can change the value the variable holds during the execution of your script. Conditions that occur in your script can also change the value stored in your variables. Each variable you use in your script or function is of a specific type and can only store one type of information.

You must declare all variables with a name and a type before you can use them within your script or function.

You must give each variable a distinct name to distinguish it from other functions and names used in the script or script file.

You cannot use duplicate variable names as this can lead to errors when you compile your script file.

Variable Types

You can use one of four variable types within your scripts and functions. You store only one specific type of information in each of these variable types. Variable types include:

Integer Variables

You can use the integer variable type to store numeric values. The numeric value you store in an integer must be a whole number such as 0, 10, or 100. You cannot store numbers with decimal points in integer variables. JAWS gives all integer variables an initial value of zero each time you activate the script in which the variables are declared.

You must declare an integer variable before you can use it within your script or function. You can declare an integer variable as follows:

Int MyIntegerVariable

String Variables

You can use the string variable type to store a string of characters. You can think of a string as a group of characters including letters, numbers, punctuation marks, and spaces. When you assign a value to a string variable, you must enclose the characters in quotation marks.

JAWS gives all string variables an initial value of null or no value each time you activate the script in which the variables are declared. You can represent null values as a pair of quotation marks with no spaces between them or with the constant, cscNull, found in the Common.jsm default message file. You must declare a string variable before you can use it in your script or function. You can declare a string variable as follows:

String MyStringVariable

Handle Variables

You can use the handle variable type to store a window handle value. The operating system automatically assigns a window handle to each window within any running application. The window handle is a unique number that changes each time you close and then reopen an application.

For example, when you start Microsoft Word, the document edit window may have a window handle value of 1000. When you close Word and then reopen it, the window handle value is no longer 1000. The new value may be 1100, 3000 or any other arbitrary number.

A handle is also a whole number like an integer and can be manipulated like other integer variables. However, you can only use handle variables solely for the identification of window handles. In other words, you cannot store a handle value in an integer variable.

JAWS gives all handle integer variables an initial value of zero each time you activate the script in which the variables are declared. You must declare a handle variable before you can use it in your script or function.

You declare a handle variable as follows:

Handle MyHandleVariable

Object Variables

The forth and final variable type you can use is the object variable type. You use the object variable type to store an object. An object refers to the types of objects used within certain Microsoft applications such as the Office suite.

JAWS gives all object variables an initial value of null or no value each time you activate the script in which the variable is declared. You must declare an object variable before you can use it in your script or function. You declare an object variable as follows:

Object MyObjectVariable

Naming Variables

As you begin to use variables within your scripts, there are a few ways you can name them to easily identify their contents. When you use multiple words for variable names, you should capitalize the initial letter in each word of the variable name. When you follow this rule of thumb, JAWS uses mixed case processing to pronounce each word beginning with a capital letter as a new word. This makes it much easier to understand the name of the variable. When the first letter of each word in a variable name is not capitalized, JAWS pronounces the variable as a single word.

The following examples illustrate the use of variables with multiple word names. The first example uses initial capital letters in each word while the second example does not.


As you used JAWS to read the previous examples, did you notice a difference in the way the variable names were pronounced?

You should also give your variables meaningful names. If you give a string variable the name of "i", you can't tell what type of information the variable stores. However, when you use a name of address or message for the name of a string variable the contents are easy to identify.

You can also use Hungarian notation to name your variables. Hungarian notation uses lower-case letters at the beginning of variable names to indicate the variable type. For example, you could name a string variable that contains a first name sFirstName. The lower case "s" indicates the variable is of type string. The "FirstName" portion of the variable name indicates the variable contains first name information. Other types of Hungarian notation include "I" to indicate integer variables, "h" indicating handle variables and "o" for indicating object variables.

Declaring Variables

You can declare variables in one of two ways, locally or globally. When you declare variables locally, you can only use those variables in the script where you declared them. When you declare a group of variables globally you can use those variables in any script within the script file where you declare them.

Declaring Variables Locally

You declare local variables within a script immediately following the beginning line of the script. You start the beginning of a local variable declaration with the key word Var. You should declare each variable on a separate line. When you declare more than one variable, you must place a comma immediately after each variable name, except for the last variable. A good idea is to add a comment at the end of the declaration stating how the variable is used. As stated previously, you can only use local variables within the script in which you declare them. An example of a local variable declaration is as follows:

string sFirstName, ; describe variable here
string sLastName ; describe variable here

Declaring Global Variables

You declare global variables within a script file immediately following any include statements. You start the beginning of a global variable declaration with the key word Globals. You should declare each variable on a separate line. When you declare more than one variable, you must place a comma immediately after each variable name, except for the last variable. A good idea is to add a comment at the end of the declaration stating how the variable is used.

After you have created a global variable and assigned it a value, the global variable retains the value even after you close the application that uses it. If you open the application during the same computer session, the global variables from that application's script file will have the same values they had prior to when you closed the application. You can only clear the values stored in global variables by unloading and restarting JAWS.

An example of a global variable declaration is as follows:

string sFirstName, ; describe variable here
string sLastName ; describe variable here

You can also declare global variables in a script header file. When you declare global variables in a script header file, you must include the file in any script file in which you will use those variables. You can find an example of a header file that contains global variable declarations by viewing the default global file, HJGlobal.jsh. You can find this file in your JAWS shared settings folder. The HJGlobal.jsh file is included in the default script file, default.jss. Including the HJGlobal.jsh header file in a default script file allows the global variables to be used in any of the default scripts and user-defined functions. When you include the HJGlobal.jsh file within an application-specific script file, you can use these variables to get specific information as needed. However, you should exercise caution when using any global variables from the HJGlobal.jsh file. The default scripts and user-defined functions often modify the values contained in these variables. When you modify the values of the variables within your own scripts, you may encounter unwanted results in your script file.

Assigning Values

You can use the let statement to assign values to any one of the 4 variable types. For example, let iControl = 1500 assigns the value of 1500 to the variable, iControl. Beginning in JAWS version 11 the let statement is now optional and is not required.

You can assign a value yourself or you can assign the return value from a built-in function to a variable. When you assign a return value from a function to a variable, you must make sure the variable types are the same. For example, the GetFocus built-in function returns a window handle. You need to use a handle variable to store this return value. Otherwise, the script compiler will generate a syntax error when you attempt to compile your script. The statement you would use to assign the return value from the GetFocus function to a handle variable is:

let hWnd = GetFocus ()

Other examples of assigning values to variables using the let statement follow:

let sCompanyName = "Freedom Scientific"
sMessage = "Hello world!"
let iControl= GetControlID (GetFocus ())


