5.6 Chapter Exercises

These exercises will give you practice in creating, inserting functions, compiling, and testing your scripts.

Exercise 5.1: Adding Comments and Include Statements

The objective of this exercise is to give you some practice adding comments and include statements to your script file.

Before you begin this exercise, make sure you only have JAWS and Notepad running. You can press INSERT+F10 to list all of your running applications.

  1. Press INSERT+F2 followed by S and ENTER while Notepad is the active application. This opens The Script Manager with the Notepad.jss file in the edit window.

Note: Unless you have written any scripts in the Notepad script source file, this file will be empty.

  1. Press CTRL+HOME to move to the top of the file. This ensures the insertion point is at the top of the script file.

Note: If the insertion point is already at the top of the file, you may hear a windows system sound.

  1. Type a semicolon (;). This starts a comment line in the script file.
  2. Type the text "JAWS [ version ] Script file for Notepad in Windows X" where X denotes the operating system you are using and version denotes the version of JAWS you are writing scripts for. At the end of this line, press ENTER to move the insertion point to the next line.
  3. Type a semicolon (;) to begin a second comment line in your script file.
  4. Type the text of "Written By" followed by your name and the current date. At the end of this line press ENTER to complete the line and move the insertion point to a new blank line.
  5. Press ENTER twice. This will create a blank line and then move the insertion point to a second blank line after your comment section. This will help separate the comment section from the area where include statements are placed.
  6. Type include "HJConst.jsh" This adds an include statement telling JAWS to include the contents of the HJConst.jsh file within the Notepad script file. Press ENTER to complete the line and move the insertion point to a new blank line.

Note: When you type the include statement, the file name must be surrounded by quotation marks.

  1. Press CTRL+W to save your script file without compiling.

After completing the steps above, your Notepad script file should start with the following lines:

; JAWS [ version ] Script file for Notepad in Windows X
; Written by your name on mm/dd/yy
include "hjconst.jsh"

Note: The text of your name should be replaced with your actual name. The date should also be filled in for the date you are doing this exercise.

Exercise 5.2: The HelloWorld Script

The objective of this exercise is to use the New Script dialog to create your first script. If you have just completed the previous exercise, make sure that Script Manager is the active application. If you have closed the Script Manager, make sure Notepad is still running, switch to Notepad, and follow step 1 in the previous exercise to start the manager.

  1. Press CTRL+END to move to the bottom of the Notepad script file. This will ensure your new script is created at the bottom of the file below the comments you added in the previous exercise.
  2. Press ENTER twice to create a blank line between the Include statement and your new script.
  3. Press CTRL+E to display the New Script dialog. The Script Name edit box is active.
  4. Type HelloWorld In the Script Name edit box.

Note: Script names cannot contain spaces or any punctuation marks such as dashes or underlines. The Script Manager will cause a system beep to occur any time you attempt to add any of these characters to your new script name. You should also capitalize the first letter of each word in a multiple word script name.

  1. Press TAB to move to the Can be Attached to Key check box and press SPACEBAR. This step tells JAWS you want to create a script and not a function.
  2. Press TAB to move to the Synopsis edit box. Type "Speaks a message in Notepad" into this edit box without the quotation marks. This text is spoken by JAWS when you enter Keyboard Help and press the keystroke that activates this script.
  3. Press TAB to move to the Description edit box. Type "Speaks a hello world message in Notepad." without the quotation marks. The description is heard when you enter keyboard help and press the keystroke that activates this script twice in succession.
  4. Press TAB to move to the Category list box. Since this is not used, you do not need to select an item from this list.
  5. Press TAB to move to the Assign To edit box. Be careful as any keystroke you press while in this edit box will be used as the keystroke that activates this script. Press CTRL simultaneously with 1 in the numbers row, not the number pad. Since the Ok button is the default button in this dialog, you can press ENTER to close the New Script dialog and return to the Notepad script file.
  6. Press UP ARROW once to move the insertion point to the first blank line in the body of the script. Type the following text:

SayString ("Hello World!")

Note: The SayString function is no longer used to speak messages with JAWS. This function is obsolete and should only be used for debugging scripts and functions.

  1. After you have typed the line of text above, the insertion point is at the end of the line. Press DOWN ARROW once to move to the next line. You can press DELETE twice to remove the remaining blank lines.

After you have followed the steps above, you should have the following script in your script file:

Script HelloWorld ()
SayString ("Hello World!")

If your script does not look like the one above, make corrections as needed. You can edit the text of any script just as you would in a word processor or text editor.

Exercise 5.3: Compiling and testing the HelloWorld Script

The objective of this exercise is to compile and test the HelloWorld script created in exercise 5.2.

  1. Press CTRL+S to save and compile the Notepad.jss script file. Did you hear the "Compile Complete" message? If not, go back to the script and check it against the script shown in the previous exercise.
  2. After you have successfully compiled your script file, you are ready to test your new script. Press ALT+TAB to move back to Notepad.
  3. Press CTRL+1. Did you hear the message spoken by JAWS?
  4. Press INSERT+1 to turn on Keyboard Help. You should hear JAWS speak "Keyboard help on" when you are using beginner verbosity. Otherwise, you should hear , "On."
  5. Press the keystroke that activates your script, CTRL+1. Did JAWS speak the synopsis of your script?
  6. Press the keystroke, CTRL+1, twice in succession. Did JAWS speak the description of your script?
  7. Press INSERT+1 a second time. You will hear JAWS say "Keyboard help off" when you are using beginner verbosity. Otherwise, you should hear , "Off."

Exercise 5.4: Using the Insert Function dialog.

The objective of this exercise is to create a new script and insert a function in the body of the script using the Insert Function dialog. If you are still in Notepad, press ALT+TAB to move back to the Script Manager.

  1. Press CTRL+END to move to the bottom of the file.
  2. Press ENTER twice to create a new blank line. This blank line separates the new script from the previous HelloWorld script.
  3. Press CTRL+E to activate the New Script dialog. Your cursor should be located in the Script Name edit box.
  4. Type SayGreeting without spaces. Capitalize the S in say and the G in Greeting.
  5. Press TAB to move to the Can be Attached to Key check box and press SPACEBAR to check it. This tells JAWS you are creating a script not a function.
  6. Press TAB to move to the synopsis edit box. Type "Speaks a greeting in Notepad".
  7. Press TAB to move to the description edit box. Type "Speaks a greeting in Notepad using the Say function."
  8. Press TAB to move to the category combo box. As the category is not used, you do not need to make a selection.
  9. Press TAB to move to the Assign To edit box. Press CTRL simultaneously with the 2 on your numbers row, not the num pad. You should hear JAWS speak "CTRL+2." Since the Ok button is the default button in this dialog, press ENTER to close the New Script dialog.
  10. Press UP ARROW once to move to the first blank line in the body of your new script.
  11. Press CTRL+I to activate the Insert Function dialog box. The cursor should be located in the Function Name edit box.
  12. Type "Say." JAWS moves the highlight in the Function Name list box of this dialog to the location of the Say function and speaks its description.
  13. Press ENTER to tell JAWS this is the function you want to add to your script. You will then be prompted for the first parameter of the function. This parameter is the string of text that is spoken by JAWS each time you press CTRL+2.

Note: A parameter is information a function uses to perform its task.

  1. Type "Hello world, this is my second script." including the quotation marks. This is the actual message JAWS speaks each time you press CTRL+2.
  2. Press ENTER to add the first parameter. You will then be prompted for the second parameter of the Say function.
  3. Type "OT_MESSAGE" in all capital letters. This is a constant value contained within the HJConst.jsh script header file. This parameter tells JAWS what type of message this is and when to speak it.
  4. Press ENTER to accept the second parameter. Press ENTER again to leave the third parameter empty and close the Insert Function dialog box. You are returned to the script file and the insertion point is at the end of the line containing the function you just inserted.
  5. Press the LEFT ARROW KEY to move the cursor back into the text of the function and you will find a blank space and a comma in between the OT_MESSAGE and the right parenthesis at the end of the function. This happened because we chose to leave the third parameter of the Say function blank. In order for the script to compile properly, you must delete the blank space and the comma in between the OT_MESSAGE and the right parenthesis.
  6. Press DOWN ARROW once to move to the next blank line. Press DELETE twice to remove the two remaining blank lines. After following the steps above, your script should look like the following:

Script SayGreeting ()
Say ("Hello world, this is my second script", OT_MESSAGE)

  1. Now you are ready to compile the script. Press CTRL+S to compile the script file. If you don't hear "compile complete", then you may have an error in your script. Go back and review the script. You should make sure your script matches the script shown above. After you have corrected any errors, try compiling the script again.
  2. Once you save and compile your script without any errors, return to Notepad and test your script. Press CTRL+2. Did JAWS speak the message?

