11.1 Checking the Virtual Viewer Status

Before you display text in the virtual viewer, you should check to make sure it is not currently being displayed by another script or function. When you find the virtual viewer is being displayed, you should deactivate it. Deactivating the virtual viewer before you display new information prevents the text from running together.

You use the built-in function, UserBufferIsActive, to check the status of the virtual viewer. The function returns a value of 1 when the virtual viewer is active or displayed and a value of 0 when the viewer is not displayed. You can substitute the constant, TRUE, for the value of 1 and the constant, FALSE, for the value of zero in your scripts.

When the virtual viewer is active, you use the built-in function, UserBufferDeactivate, to close the virtual viewer. This function closes the virtual viewer just as if you pressed ESC from the keyboard. You should place both the UserBufferIsActive and the UserBufferDeactivate functions within a conditional statement before you display the virtual viewer. An example of the use of both functions follows:

If UserBufferIsActive () Then
UserBufferDeactivate () ; close the virtual viewer


